












来源:阿白律师网   时间:2024-09-17

实盘英语范文 第1篇

Dear sir, I need yo quotation for G canned mushom slices and mushom handle, including packing / delivery time / pce. The condition is CFR / German port task: Thank you for yo kind regards to XXX dear XXX, we have received yo inquiry of XX day for sliced mushom and canned mushom handle. The following is the pce specification and pce of canned mushom stem.

Ppose: can / carton NW: G GW: packing: ordinary export Bwn cartons, buyer's brand quantity: Carton / case pce: US $CFR Dammam payment terms: L / C sight delivery date: no later than the validity peod / / if you have any questions, please feel free to let XXX know. Thank you very much for yo offer, but after careful study, we find that yo pce is too high, we know that yo pduct quality is very good, and We are glad to know that the pce of XXX is higher than that of o competitors, but we hope that the pce of yo pducts will be lower than that of yo competitors in Eope, so we hope that the pce will be lower than that of yo competitors Similar pducts fm other countes should be higher. We hope to cooperate with yo company to expand business.

I'm sorry, we can't accept yo counter-offer. Please beli us, this is o firm offer. In fact, we have received many orders fm other companies and the pce is very competitive.

If you accept o pce, please don't hesitate to tell us. Consideng that the pce of raw mateals has been sing, we hope you can make a final decision as soon as possible and look forward to yo good news.


尊敬先生,我需要你方对g罐装蘑菇片和蘑菇柄报价,包括包装/交货时间/价格条件是CFR/德港任务:谢谢你谨致问候XXX亲爱XXX,我方已收到贵方按贵方要求于XX询盘蘑菇片和蘑菇柄罐头,以下是蘑菇梗罐头价格规格和价格用途:罐头/纸箱NW:g GW:包装:普通出口棕纸箱,买方品牌数量:箱/箱价格:$CFR达曼付款条款:信用证即期交货期:不迟有效期://如有任何疑问,请随时告知XXX亲爱先生,非常感谢您报盘,但经过我们仔细研究,我们发现您价格太高了,我们知道您产品质量很好,与欧洲生产产品相比,您价格高于您竞争对手,所以我们希望您能将价格降低大约为美元/箱,我们认为这一优惠是可以接受谨致问候XXX亲爱XXX,感谢您评论,我们得知我们样品符合您要求,我们质量是可以接受,但很遗憾,你认为我们价格比其他国家同类产品要高,我们希望与贵公司合作,扩大业务。很抱歉,我们不能接受你方还盘,请相信我们,这是我们实盘,事实上,我们收到了很多其他公司订单,而且价格很有竞争力。如果你接受我们价格,请不要犹豫告诉我们,考虑到原材料价格一直在上涨,希望你能尽快做出最后决定,期待你方好。

实盘英语范文 第2篇

We offer you actual tons of chemical fertilizer, CIF US dollars per long ton CIF Apl, cifusd. We can offer the most quantity discount, but we are ready to give discount to the quotation for pchasing all o stock here. O quotation is based on Fas, and the pce is free of restction.

We suggest you order immediately. O pducts are in great demand and supply is limited Therefore, we suggest that you accept this offer as soon as possible.



实盘英语范文 第3篇

yes CBECemail:Becbece E-mail (non firm offer subject to o final confirmation / Pre-sale / subject of firm offer: Dear Sir, this is to confirm yo email of July asking for o firm offer CIF Singapore for ce and soybeans) we have sent you an email this morning offeng us Australian dollars per metc ton, CIF Singapore, time of shipment This offer is firm for August / September, subject to yo reply received before July. Please note that we have quoted o best pce and can not accept a counter-offer for soybeans. We inform you that we have only a few batches in the quotation.

If, as you know, you intended to give us a suitable quotation, as you know, it is possible for us to supply these goods. Recently, there is a great demand for these goods, which leads to an increase in pce As requested, we will reply to you immediately, xxx xxx, and o offer is as follows subject to o final confirmation: due to the recent shortage of goods, we are sorry to be unable to offer you the following goods: with regard to yo email of July, we are pleased to make you the following offer: we will continue to consider yo requirements for shirts, and we will contact you as soon as we have the goods. Unfortunately, we can't quote on FOB basis becse o usual practice is to do business with all customers on CIF basis.


是CBECemail:Becbece电子邮件(报盘(非实盘报盘以我方最终确认/预售为准/(实盘主题:报盘亲爱先生,这是为了确认您xx月份电子邮件,要求我们对大米和大豆实盘新加坡到岸价)我们今天上午发邮件给您,报每吨精米,每公吨澳元吨,新加坡到岸价,装运期为xx月/xx月,此报盘为实盘,以xx月前收到你方答复为准。请注意,我方已报出我方最优惠价格,不能接受大豆还盘,我方你方,我方目前仅有几批货在报价中,如果,你方原打算给我方一个合适报价,如你所知,我方有可能供应这些商品,近来对这些商品需求量很大,这导致了价格上涨,但是,如果你方按要求立即回复贵公司,Xxxx xxx,我方报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准:由于最近货物供不应求,很抱歉不能向你方报如下货物:关于你方xx月电子邮件,我方很高兴向你方报盘如下:我方将继续考虑到你方对衬衫要求,一旦有货,我们将立即与你方联系。很遗憾,我们不能以FOB为基报价,因为我们惯例是以到岸价与所有客户做生意Bece电子邮件:BECBEC BECBEC。

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