











De jure和Ipso jure在法律英语中的含义和用法

来源:阿白律师网   时间:2023-02-01

De jure,拉丁语“合法的”,相当于lawful,区别于de facto(实际的),常用于法律语境中,表示“法律上地; 权利上地; 合法地”。De facto:existing as a fact although it may not be legally accepted as existing,则表示“实际上存在的(不一定合法)”。

Ipso jure,拉丁语“依法”,相当于according to the law,常用于法律语境中,by the law itself; by operation of law 表示“根据法律;法律上”。


De jure population 常住人口

De jure recognition 法律承认;法律上的承认

De jure corporation 已注册公司;立案公司

De jure separate legal entities 合法的独立法人;独立的法律实体

De facto and de jure discrimination 事实与法律歧视

Ipso jure avoidance 依法宣布无效

Ipso jure exploration 依法勘查


The representative further pointed to the gap between de jure and de facto equality and the need to address legal discrimination against woman and underscored the importance of the establishment of a new gender entity in the United Nations.

该代表进 一步指出了法律上的平等 和事实上的平等之间的差距,以及处理对妇女的 法律歧视的必要性,并强调了在联合国设立一个新的性别实体的重要性。

The Committee urges the State party to accelerate the adoption of a comprehensive anti-discrimination act to stipulate, inter alia, the definition of direct and indirect as well as de facto and de jure discrimination, together with structural discrimination, liability for natural and legal persons extending to both public authorities and private persons, remedies to victims of racial discrimination and the institutional mechanisms necessary to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the Act in a holistic manner.

委员会促请缔约国加速通过一项全面的反歧视法,除其他事项外,明确规定直接 和非直接以及事实与法律歧视的定 义,以及结构性歧视的定义,规定包括公共主 管当局和私人在内的自然人和法人的责任,对种族歧视的受害者给予补救,必要 的体制机制以保障连贯一致地实施该法令的各项条款。

The obligation to fulfil requires that States parties take a wide variety of steps to ensure that women and men enjoy equal rights de jure and de facto, including, where appropriate, the adoption of temporary special measures in line with article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and general recommendation No. 25 on article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, on temporary special measures.

履行的义务要求缔约国采取多种措 施,以确保妇女和男子享有平等的法律上和事实上的权利,包 括在适当情况下,根据《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》关于暂行特别措施的第 4 条第 1 款和关于该款的第 25 号一般性建议,采取暂行特别措施。

The de facto and de jure independence of the judiciary, public defenders and lawyers should be fully respected and measures should be taken to guarantee such independence, in accordance with the major human rights instruments including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, the Basic Principles, on the role of Lawyers and the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors.

应该充分尊重司法部门、公设辩护人和律师事实上和法律上的独立,并应采 取措施,按照各项主要人权文书,包括《公民及政治权利国际公约》、《关于司法 机关独立的基本原则》、《关于律师作用的基本原则》和《关于检察官作用的准则》, 保证这种独立。

Successor States other than newly independent States could be recognized as having the capacity to go back on an express acceptance formulated by the predecessor State only in cases where the succession to the treaty occurred not ipso jure but as the result of a notification – specifically, under the 1978 Vienna Convention, in cases when on the date of succession a predecessor State was a contracting State to a treaty that had not yet entered into force for that State.

放弃被继承国原先所提出的明示接受,但只在下列情况下可以:条约的继 承不是依法而发生,而是由于统一,具体地说,是根据 1978 年《维也纳公约》 而发生,并且在国家继承之日,被继承国是条约的缔约国,但该条约尚未对其生 效。











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