











了解法律中的“Docket Number”

来源:阿白律师网   时间:2023-01-09

Docket 一词在法律英语中表示a list of cases waiting for trial in a law court. (待判决的)诉讼事件表。如:docket sheet 备审案件目录表;法院积案清单。常见法律术语:

Daily docket 工作日报表

Judgment docket 判决登记表

Judgement docket 法院判案录

Docket report 完整申请文件

Appearance docket 出庭顺序表

Docket Number在法律英语中国则表示A unique number the court clerk assigns to a case. It must be used on all future papers filed in the court case,翻译为“案卷编号、卷宗编码”。一般情况下,每个案卷编号以两个字母开头,说明案件的类型。这两个字母取自该类案卷名称,常见的有:

1.CI(criminal infraction):刑事侵害案

2.CR(criminal case):刑事犯罪案

3.CV (civil case):民事案

4.FA(family case):家庭案

5.MV(motor vehicl e case):机动车辆案

6.SC(small claims):小额申诉案


The 14 matters currently pending before the Court, several of which have been on the docket for a number of years, might find swifter resolution if the additional resources requested by the Court were made available.

目前国际法院有 14 个待决问题,其中有一些问题在备审案件目录上 已有许多年。

The Tribunal has now commenced all of the trials pending on its docket and conducted proceedings in 10 trials simultaneously in its three court rooms.

目前,法庭已开 始其备审案件目录中所有待审案件的审理工作,并在其三个审判室内同时审理 10 起案件。

While we reiterate the important role of the International Court of Justice, its continued impartiality — in which we are confident — has continued to gain the trust of the international community, as indicated by the growing number of cases on its docket.


We are happy to note that the ICTY has transferred all low- and mid-level accused from its trial docket to national courts, in accordance with resolution 1503 (2003), and that the Prosecutor is continuously monitoring the progress of the referred proceedings in national courts in the region.

我们高兴地注意到,前南问题国际法庭已根据第 1503(2003)号决议将其待审案件清单中的 所有中低级别被告移交至国家法庭,检察官正在不断地监测所移交案件在该区域国家法庭的审理进展。

The number of cases on the Court’s docket, including two new ones added during the most recent session, the diversity of the issues subjected to litigation, which touch on many areas of international law, as well as the fact that parties to disputes


As can be seen, given the remarkable increase in the number of cases on its docket, the Court is now dealing with more than a few cases on a parallel basis, thereby making its best endeavour to eliminate a backlog of judicial work.

可以看到,由于法院需要审理的案件数目大幅增加,法院目前正同时处理几件以上的案子,由此尽最 大努力清理积压的司法工作。

An improvement has been noted in communication between the judiciary and the Ministry of Justice on these issues and a nationwide docket and case review process, supported by UNMIL, has been initiated.

人们注意到,司法机构与司法部之间就这些问题进行的沟通已有所改进,并且在联利特派团的支持下开 始了一个全国范围的备审案件目录和案件审查进程。

With the inclusion of those new cases, the current docket of the Court stood at 15 cases raising a wide variety of issues of public international law.


As noted in the CJR Final Report, the existing specialist lists already operate very much along the objectives of a docket system, and applications may be made under Practice Direction 5.7 on “Long Cases” for cases to be given treatment similar to that under a docket system.

正如《最后报告书》指出,现时特定案件类别的 程序在运作上和专责法官制度的目标大致相若,而与讼各方可根据有关“长案” 的实务指示 5.7,向法庭申请将案件以类似专责法 官制度的方式处理。










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