












来源:阿白律师网   时间:2024-09-20

托福tpo48综合写作范文 第1篇

(插入背景信息: Lately, the frog population is decreasing dramatically around the globe.) The passage mainly talks about (插入three) methods to deal with the declining frog populations. The lecturer refutes the idea by saying that none of these methods are practical.

First, the passage puts forward the point that prohibiting farmers from using harmful pesticides near frog populations will reduce the pesticides cause(注意语法错误和同义改写:reduce the harm ) to frogs. On the contrary, the lecturer casts doubt on this point and contends that such prohibition is not economically practical (插入 or fair). (插入Since farmers rely on pesticides to reduce crop loss and stay competitive.) Stricter regulations will put farmers at a great disadvantage as a result of loss of crops and lower yield.

Second, another crucial point in the reading part is that population decline can be prevented by medical treatment (插入on fungus). Conversely, the lecturer challenges this point by saying that (插入 the treatment must be applied to each frog individually. Then, it is extremely difficult to use this method on a large scale. ) Capturing and treating each individual frog is rather complicated and expensive. And it cannot prevent frogs passing the fungus to off-springs. (插入:Applying this treatment on every new generation would be extremely complicated and expensive)

Lastly, the writer of the passage claims that many frog species can recover if the excessive water use and development of water habitats are avoided. Whereas the lecturer insists an opinion that the real reason for decrease of water habitat is global warming. (插入Global warming has caused disappearing of many water and wet lands. )Prohibiting use of water is unlikely to change the situation.


托福tpo48综合写作范文 第2篇

The reading passage indicates three methods to prevent the decline of endangered frog populations. However, based on the listening, none of the methods mentioned in the reading offers a practical solution for slowing down the decline in frog populations. There are problems with each of the method described in the reading.

First of all, the reading claims that reducing pesticides use in agricultural areas where endangered frogs inhabit can be effective in preventing the decline of frog populations. However, the lecture contradicts what the reading maintains. According to the listening, this approach is not economically practical or fair. Farmers rely on pesticides to decrease crop losses and stay competitiveness in the market. If farmers have to follow strict rules regarding pesticides use, they will be at severe disadvantage. They would lose more crops and have lower yield.

Second, the author of the reading holds the opinion that a new treatment against the skin fungus would significantly reduce the harm of pesticides to frogs. However, the professor in the lecture refutes this point by saying that there are two problems with this plan. The treatments must be applied to each frog, so using them on a large scale is difficult. It requires capturing and treating each frog. In addition, the treatments do not prevent the frogs from passing the fungus onto their offspring. Thus, the treatments have to be applied again and again. As a result, applying this treatment is complicated and expensive.

Finally, from the reading, we know that to protect lakes and marshes from excessive water use and development can help frog species recover. But the listening challenges this point. It contends that The third method cannot save frog populations. The biggest threat is global warming. Global warming has contributed to the disappearance of many water and wetland habitats, causing species to go extinct. Thus, prohibiting humans from using water or building near frog habitats is unlikely to prevent the ongoing habitat changes caused by global warming.

托福tpo48综合写作范文 第3篇

The reading passage provides three reasons to doubt the discovered structures which is as old as 200 millions years old were created by bees. In the lecture, however, the professor argues that reasons mentioned in the reading are unconvincing and contradicts all those reasons respectively.(开头段很好!)

To begin with, the reading points out that the existing preserved body of a bee is just 100-million-year-old, indicating that (删除阅读细节) no fossil remains can support the appearance of bees 200 million years ago. However, the professor contends that bees is highly possible to exist 200 million years ago, but since the rezins produced by trees is(was) rare in that period,(听力信息里是 trees that can produce resin were rare,并且需要补充resin的功能介绍 A lot of insects were preserved by tree resin) remains of bees can (插入not) be preserved by rezins, which causes the lack of fossil remains of bees in that period. Therefore, the fact is that(听力当中并没有认为这个是事实,而是有可能 it is possible that) bees did appear 200 million years ago, but their fossil remains could not be preserved.

In addition, the reading explains that since flowering plants were absent 200 million years ago, bees did not have food to eat, so they could not exist in that time. Also, the fact that bees and flowering plants evolve closely and dependently implies that they appeared almost at the same time. (删除阅读细节)On the contrary, the professor refutes that bees could feed on non-flowering plants (补充听力细节,such as pine trees) before the existence of flowering plants, like some specific trees. When flowering trees appeared, bees adapted to evolve together with them.(听力细节缺失导致语义不全, Later, when flowering plants evolved, bees started to feed on them and this new relationship between bees and flowering plants may have remained stable ever since.)

Last but not least, as opposed to the third reason in the reading that it is more likely to believe that the founded structures were produced by other insects since these structures lose some critical details that can be attributed to bees, like the lack of caps, the professor counters that there is chemical evidence to imply these structures are made of bees. According to the chemical analysis, the structures have water-proof materials that are used by modern bees. So the structures owns some characteristics to indicate they are made by bees.(删除重复性总结)





















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