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英语专业八级考试精品范文 第1篇

As is revealed in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating(认为) the true meaning of happiness. It is indeed a tough question for him: what is happiness? Making a huge sum of money, or winning true love, or keeping good health, or what? The picture is fairly thought-provoking, which intends to convey to us this message: Due attention should be paid to the constant topic of human—happiness.

We can easily recognize the significance of attitude in terms of happiness. On the one hand, some have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Take the victims of Wen Chuan earthquake as an example, they lost their families and even something more precious, but they eventually stepped out of the pain to rebuild their home. On the other hand, people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. Without a positive attitude or the determination to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to be grievous, no matter what kind of situation you are in.

Considering all the points discussed above, it is advisable that we highly value optimism and apply it in our studies and work. We are, therefore, supposed to take a rational attitude. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition, which lies in the unswerving efforts to complete one’s life.

英语专业八级考试精品范文 第2篇

Although the grand ceremony of Oscar was over this year, the attention and discussion linger in the Chinese movie community and out. Some insiders hold that following global trends is the only way to develop China’s film industry. Others insist, however, that the Oscars are simply one the many awards that Americans like to crown themselves. Domestic films should maintain their distinct flavors. As a movie fan myself, I think we should strive for it to gain international recognition.

Firstly, the Oscars Award is an international recognition in terms of both artistic performance and box office revenue. With live broadcast in 50 languages, it plays a huge role in shaping the global film industry. It is no wonder that so many people around the world pay much attention to it. The reality is that Hollywood movies account for more than 90 percent of global market shares-this has inevitable worldwide impact. Obviously, the Oscars Award has become something that we can not afford to ignore it.

Moreover, we live in a global, multicultural world where different cultures interact. China’s movie industry needs to realize it and sharpen its competitive edge. If Chinese films are to make a global impact, then movie production, distribution and marketing organization need improving. Chinese films should adjust to satisfy the variety of social demands. The introduction of foreign successful formulas and technology is a must for Chinese film industry. It is parochial to think that China can only use its national characteristics to define domestic movies. Conservatism will hinder the progress of film industry. If China does not develop its film industry through embracing innovative multiculturalism, Chinese movies will have little opportunity to gain a share in the international market.

Last but not least, the Hollywood films also conform to specific cultural demands. Take this year’s Academy Awards as an example, nominated movies include both high-cost productions like The Lord of the Rings and subtle, more moderate budgeted projects like Lost in Translation, these films suggest that Hollywood movies maintain a basic balance in keeping the style of its own and absorbing diverse cultures. Hence, the Chinese filmmakers should spare no efforts to present original domestic films to foreign viewers. We will be left behind if we stick to the so-called orthodox. For instance, Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon was acted by Chinese actors and through cultural icons, but actually its style and structure of the movie all conform to a Hollywood formula. This partly explains why it appeals to a wider range of audiences from different cultural background.

In a word, the Oscars are very important to Chinese filmmakers. Nominations are a kind of approval by international peers of their achievements. As China’s market improves, its movie industry will get stronger and will eventually cash in on the Oscars.

英语专业八级考试精品范文 第3篇

Along with the advance of science and technology, electronic products, such as computer, MP3,and cell phone and so on. Among them, cell phone exerts a big influence on our daily has dramatically changed our way of communication and socializing. As to its virtues and defects about cell phone, peoples opinion are widely varied.

Recently, a professor named Baron conducted a survey among 2000 college students and consulted their attitudes toward cell phone. Conclusion was reached that the biggest advantage of cell phone is that it can connect the users with other people through short message, which is very convenient compared with traditional letter writing and also very cheap with the telephone call taking into every coin has two sides, the very virtue of the cell phone is also the biggest disadvantage,which makes other people can easily fine them with a call even a phone are gradually intruding upon the private space of people.

For the most part, I agree with professor Baron s conclusion. Let me first illustrate its virtues. It indeed save much time and efforts when we want to find a helping also shortens the distance between people,no matter how far two people are, they can easily get in touch with each other through a call and tell each other about what funny or sad things they come upon. The most obvious advantage of short message is that it makes people familiar and intimate. Sometimes ,people feel awkward to say something to others through face to face communication or making a phone call, the short message come to rescue, all the discomfort will be diminished for the messages covering the emotional effect. Messages are very popular and prevailing when a festival or delightful event comes. People can pass their blessing and wished with decent to others,even they are just nodding acquaintances.

For its defects, it is really annoying. Scan messages and harassing calls have gained access to us. We have to take time and energy to tackle these problems. And whenever we want to have a break or do some interesting things, we would be interrupted by phone calls or messages. Therefore, some people put forward their solutions that we could turn off the phone when we deem it is necessary or change the situation model of the phone to unreachable. These solutions really bring consolation to us, but they are very hard to apply. Suppose you are working for a company and yearning for promotion and increase in wages, you are hardly dare to do those things in fear a loss of big opportunity. Even if you are just an ordinary full time housewife, you are also incapable of doing that, simply because you have a large family to take a new term was coined recently- cell phone syndrome, which refers to people can not live without cell phone. Some people even suffer from it that they have to force themselves to get away from cell phones.

Though a lot of complaints about cell phone has emerged, its advantages, from my point of view, are far outweigh its disadvantages. Just as a saying goes that there is no perfect man on earth,so does cell phone. Thanks to cell phone, we are launch into a more efficient information change age. Every respect of our life are greatly benefited form it and it will uncertainly bring us to a brighter future.

英语专业八级考试精品范文 第4篇

Over the past few years, more and more Chinese parents have been sending their children abroad, believing the experience of studying abroad will pave the way for their children's future success. Even now, this rush continues and has become very widespread. This phenomenon has drawn public attention, with people standing on both sides. It is my contention论点 that sending teenagers abroad without proper preparation may do more harm than good to their development.

First of all, these teenagers may have difficulty adapting to the new environment which might be totally different from the homeland they are used to living in. Therefore, they will probably experience the so-called _culture shock_. They may dislike the food, be unable to follow the teachers's teaching method, or have problems dealing with people around them. As a result, they may find nothing goes well at the beginning and feel lonely and frustrated. If these teenagers are not well prepared psychologically, their character will probably be severely affected.

Moreover, for these youngsters'年青人, 少年 language can be a great barrier, which may cause difficulty in both their daily life and their studies. As most of them have just graduated from middle schools when going abroad, their command of the foreign language is usually inadequate for living and studying in a foreign country. Consequently, they may find it hard to follow the teacher's instructions and feel at a loss困惑 as to how to use the library and how to rent an apartment. The pressure of study and stress of life may make them feel anxious and upset, which may in turn affect their academic development(学生)知识的发展, 学术水准的提高.

In conclusion, teenagers studying abroad will probably have an extremely difficult time and their perspective of academic success will be far from their parents's expectation. Sending teenagers abroad may be an unwise decision. Parents should be careful when making such a choice.

英语专业八级考试精品范文 第5篇

Students Should Be Required to Wear School Uniform

Of all the great changes that have taken place in the system of compulsory education, school uniform of diverse patterns has proved to be a success. Today, however, a controversy towards school uniform stretches widely as it is feared that such uniform somewhat diminishes the individual personality of students. My opinion is that it is worth the praise it has received.

In the first place, school uniform helps students foster team spirit and strengthen the spirit of cooperation. Providing a sense of unity, the uniform makes everyone feel that he or she is influential and indispensable in the team. Regardless of performance in class or examination, one student is wearing the same clothes as the others and working on his share for the team responsibility. Naturally they will be willing to participate in the team and proud of their contributions. Brought up in this caring and inclusive environment, students will have an easy time functioning in new community and collaborating with coworkers.

In the second place, school uniform reinforces the sense of equality for a diversified student body. School uniform tends to narrow down the discrepancy between students from families of low and high economic status. In this sense it may help lift some psychological obstacles. Owing to school uniform, the bias against poor students will disappear gradually. Had it not been for school uniform, wearing shabby clothes would be a constant reminder of poor family conditions. And what’s worse, they would feel ashamed of whom they are and the low self-esteem may have adverse impacts on study.

Last but not least, school uniform takes effect when accidents occur and the safety of students is endangered. The name or logo of school printed on uniform will help witness to know the victim’s identity and come to timely and efficient aid.

On the whole, students will benefit a great deal from their uniforms for the reasons ranging from their personality cultivation to aids in face of danger. Considering all above factors, it bears no reasoning to abandon school uniform.

英语专业八级考试精品范文 第6篇

Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to spend a year or two voluntee ??ring in western China, many college students would probably shake their heads, seeing it as a waste of valuable learning time. However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation, because this experience can apparently benefit us in many ways.

First, it is a great opportunity for us to apply the knowledge we have acquired at college. Different from temporary part-time jobs, a longer volunteer work experience is truly fulfilling and rewarding. As English majors, we can learn to use and teach the language effectively in real classes; as education majors, we can experiment with those textbook theories in helping manage a school or instruct the younger; those who study engineering can take this chance to turn their ideas and skills into running machines, new bridges and broad roads. From this experience, we will better understand our schoolwork and even build up considerable expertise in our chosen fields.

Second, we can gain a great sense of satisfaction by making contributions in an underdeveloped region. Right now, the western China is suffering from both the short ??age of resources and that of talents in its course of development. If we can step into the needed roles by simply sacrificing a year or two, we will be able to make some differ??ence to the situation as a whole. Imagine how proud you will be when telling your fami??ly and friends how you have taught the illiterate to read, and how you have helped to change the look of a backward town. Compared with the great sense of pride you feel, a year‘s time is just a small price to pay.

Third,we can establish a deep friendship with local people. On the one hand, if you truly love and help the people you work with, they naturally love and help you back. Take a senior I know for example, who served two months as a teacher in a dry northwestern town. During the period of water shortage, both his students and their parents voluntarily kept water for him, sometimes despite their own need. Recalling his days there, he said they were not easy but he could not help missing them. Probably many volunteers would feel the same as him. While we are giving care, support and help, we often get back more including a lasting friendship.

Therefore,I will readily sign up to volunteer in the western China despite various challenges I may meet. Think of the differences we can make there and the changes this experience can make to us, why not walk out of the ivory tower and step onto the promising land of our country?











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